Thursday, February 26, 2009

FSH & the next step

Well good news, Mark got the Go ahead from his Dr. So he is good to go with the IVF. I went in the other day and had more Blood taken to test my FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Your FSH level is the Main Hormone involved in producing Mature healthy egg's. My level was a 3.5 and they said it was a good level and that my Ovaries will respond well to the Stimulation injections they are going to put me on. 

They told me to start the Birth Control they prescribed to me. Birth Control i know! You are probably asking why birth control when i cant get pregnant as it is, Well the reason the prescribe birth control is to suppress my body from ovulating naturally. IVF is planned to the hour so the Birth Control puts everything on hold until i start Injections.

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