Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2 week wait

So I am currently in the 2 week wait they call it, It is the 2 weeks you have to wait in between the Egg Transfer and your Blood pregnancy test. 

Its funny you start your IVF cycle and it is like a whirl wind, You meet with the Dr go over your cycle, They drop off your Medication, You start your Injections for 2 weeks, They take out your egg's, They put your Eggs back in send you home and you sit and wait for 2 weeks. Its GO GO GO and STOP! 

I am amazed at the whole IVF cycle and how they time your body, You don't have much time to think because their is so much else going on. Between Injections and Blood work you are on Overload. When you are sent home you get to relax from all of the chaos but the down side is that you have time to think "Did I just go through all that with out blinking an eye?"


  1. I've been waiting on you to update, so I could find out what's goingon! When is the 2ww up?!

  2. I got your blog from Stephanie and decided to read it. We do not know eachother but I wish you all the best in hopes that your greatest wish comes true. I'll be checking up now.

  3. So I know I am not the only one wanting to know what's going on with you :-)

  4. Okay lady, spill the beans....I need updates!!

  5. I do not know you... but I came accross your blog, and I want to wish you luck and I hope it is in Gods plan that you will get pregnant this time!

  6. Heather - All of us at the Firefighter's Wives Support Group are sending baby wishes your way!! Keep us posted.
